We are not a glum lot
Our story
February 4, 1984 – Saturday in SA with AA marked the beginning of what has become a long and rich tradition in the annals of AA in San Antonio.
Our first annual “Saturday in SA with AA” convention (precursor to “Weekend in SA with AA”), was staged at the Convention Center at HemisFair Plaza. The one-day event was an instant hit. Featured speakers from around the Country included Bob S. better known as “Smitty,” the son of Dr. Bob S., the co-founder of Alcoholics Anonymous.
At that time, San Antonio was one of the few major cities without an annual convention. Two years later, the convention would expand to a three-day format as “Weekend is SA with AA.” It merged with San Antonio AAs’ City Anniversary celebration. We are currently back to a one-day format.

Our Core Values
All Weekend In SA with AA events are for the benefit of the Central Service Office. The Family Fun Fair, like all of our Weekend in SA with AA events’ mission is to bring as many AA members and their family and friends together; to join in the fellowship of service. This dream of sharing our AA message, fellowship and service, with the tradition of bring workshops and speakers from around the Country, has become a reality.
Extraordinary Experiences
In addition Weekend in SA with AA sponsors other annual events. The Family Fun Fair (a “fun-raiser”), feature a number of San Antonio AA Groups that sponsor a tent; serving up games or food. Click on our event button for information about Weekend in SA with AA upcoming events.
“As Jim remembers….
In 1984 the idea of sharing our A.A. message, fellowship and free nourishment/refreshments became a reality. San Antonio up to that time had no annual convention, yet smaller A.A. communities did. There are very few conventions or conferences around this country that offer free refreshment to any extent, which has become a part of Weekend in S.A. with A.A.
From a very limited amount of support at its conception, we have experienced that change into a very generously supported event. Year by year more and more individuals and groups choose to be part of the sharing, each sharing what they can, feeling more a part of the A.A’s. way of life. Our conference has been from the very beginning a fund-raiser for our San Antonio’s Central Service Office and has served to unify our A.A. community with a common purpose, to carry its message to members of A.A, family and friends. San Antonio’s members of A.A., families and friends have come to expect the free coffee, great food, a good message, and a loving fellowship. “Come and let us love you.”
There have been some many individual stories I would not know where to begin – of course the ones that we most likely remember were things that went wrong went we had every intention to do what was loving, wise and useful. For an example we have always welcome anyone who wanted to come share with us even when they had no money to register – we had one of our members who went in search of drunks off the street – they were told to just make themselves at home and they did just that – I got a call a few days after the conference that some of the street alcoholics have found room open behind the stage and moved in and when asked what was going on they said the members of alcoholics anonymous had set it up for them.
We have unspoken rule – it is just fine to invite one in for meetings and nourishment, but you must take that person home or get them a room.”